In the rural villages of Bangladesh, poor children and orphans are taken into the Madrasas where they are taught Islamic Knowledge and are given room and board. These operations are in desperate need of money and assistance.
Akhirah Foundation is a chairity to provide orphaned Muslim children with the necessities of life, education and heathcare. The idea is that we all cut down our unnecessary spending and send half of the savings towards efforts for the poor thus investing in our hereafter.
Allah (subhanahu watallah) says in the Quran the "Akhirah" is better than this Life (87:17). Investments in this world can go up and down, but a solid investment into the Life to come can never be a loss.
Akhirah was started from the proceeds of a government contracting IT company. There was a lot of wasteful spending so we budgeted ourselves and promised half to orphanges in central South Asia. Two years later, we were able to send over $1 million to orphans in rural muslim locations for clothes, books, and food. We felt so passionate that we decided to open a branch to continue to do this work.
Allah (subhanahu watallah) says in the Quran that have you not seen the one who repels the orphan (107:2) as a trait of one who will be in Hell.
Perhaps your excuse is that you can't find an orphan, or that you don't know how your donation will be used, if so come to our events where everything is explained in depth. If your excuse is that you personally don't have money, then sit down with our financial counselors, most of us in the West live with no savings at the end of the month due to wasteful spending. See where you might be able to save money and make a promise that half of what will be recovered will be donated. We can't do this alone, together we can make a big difference.
We also need Volunteers to help distibute the supplies and be good role models for the orphans.
Click on the link below and submit your information to apply to become a volunteer. We will review your information within a few days and then contact with you, and inshAllah we hope to work beside you soon.
All of our services are centered around the welfare of Orphans and Children in need. We serve them food and provide education, habitation, safety and everything they need.
The primary right for all people is the access to Healthcare. We coordinate with local doctors to see what they need to treat the orphans at the orphanages.
We arrange shipments of much needed food to feed the orphans their daily meals and keep the orphanages' shelves stocked.
Along with sending them food, we send them clothes and educational material so they can study and achieve a better standard of living.
This is a photo gallery of all the work that we've done and people that we help.
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Some text about the photo will go here as photo description
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This section provides the latest news about our civic projects for the poor and orphaned in different locations.
In the rural villages of Bangladesh, poor children and orphans are taken into the Madrasas where they are taught Islamic Knowledge and are given room and board. These operations are in desperate need of money and assistance.
In the indonesian outskirts, little girls don't go to school and have a high likelihood to enter forced marriages or other abusive fates. We are commited to provide the resourses for their education.
We create events to give voice to the children and people who don't have a voice. Please review our event locations and date to see how you can help.
This section is here to provide you the means of getting in touch with us for any and all issues.
We're commited to helping people with whatever problems they are facing in life, please let us know if you need help or can provide help. Please feel free to contact us with any of the methods below.